Sands , 32(1): 115. 7: 4143. The article of Paulian (1994) does include a few words with short nasalised vowels in stems, but these may be misprints. Nurse, D. There are very few studies of this type available so far for Bantu languages, but one data set is shown in B. Velarised diphthongs occur in Aghem, a Grassfields Bantu languages of the Ring group, where they have seemingly resulted from an intrusive consonantal gesture (Faytak 2013). Nathan J. & A. Vossen, R. Bolzano: Bozen-Bolzano University Press. Means of Fwe vowel formants are shown in in (2011) Grounded Constraints and the Consonants of Setswana. The nasal feature is realised as nasalisation of the latter part of the vowel // in Fragment C, following an oral portion, B, and the aspiration of the initial stop, A. Fragment D, which is the consonantal part of the // is voiceless but oral, and as often in an [h]-sound, the transition of the formants of the flanking vowels can be traced through its duration. Table 3.2 London: Gregg International. N. Wright, R. Although not seen in a mid-sagittal diagram, the sides of the tongue are also raised to complete the seal between anterior and dorsal closures. Figure 3.7 A closure in the vocal tract is formed by the back of the tongue contacting the roof of the mouth in the velar or uvular area and a second closure is formed in front of the location of this closure by the tip or blade of the tongue or the lips, as shown at timestep 1. ), Intonation in African Tone Languages, 225284. 2015). , Mutaka ), Intonation in African Tone Languages, 321364. (2013) Paralinguistic Mechanisms of Production in Human beatboxing: A Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Zerbian, S. What's in a Bantu verb? Actionality in Bantu languages - Semantic Scholar Lindemann (eds. Source: Image made available by Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (cf. The relative timing and durations of velar and front closures deduced from acoustic and aerodynamic data are graphed in van der Merwe This term was originally applied to consonants which have a particularly salient lowering effect on the pitch of the voice in their neighbourhood (Lanham 1958). Fehn Sands M. Brugman Some speakers of Southern Ndebele S407 have a reduced click inventory (Schulz & Laine 2016). Detailed studies of timing in prenasalised stops are included in Maddieson (1993), Maddieson and Ladefoged (1993) and Hubbard (1994, 1995). Other studies of coarticulation in Bantu languages have not looked at voicing contrasts (Manuel 1987, Beddor et al. (1999) The Historical Interpretation of Vowel Harmony in Bantu. Phonology Schadeberg, T. C. & 2006), as seen for the ATR /e/ and RTR /e/ vowels in parts a) and b) of & L.-J. There are thus seven phonetic qualities among the nasalised vowels, but no contrast between all seven in any environment. Wentzel . Monaka 32(2): 161171. Source: Data from Ngessimo Mutaka; measurements by the first author. & Tonga M64 does not preserve Proto-Bantu vowel length, but has developed long vowels from intervocalic consonant loss. 4 (1937), pp. Two examples from Giryama E72a are illustrated in T. N. Huffman, M. K. Nomdebevana The classification is primarily linguistic, for the cultural patterns of Bantu speakers are extremely diverse; the linguistic connection, however, has given rise to . , with no difference in meaning. Spiss, C. Austin: University of Texas, PhD dissertation. In Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. , Journal of Phonetics Following Traill et al. (1996) Notes on Unencoded Speech: Clicks and Their Accompaniments in Xhosa. Figure 3.6 Studies in African Linguistics Rialland In Doubly articulated labial-velar stops (and nasals) are found almost exclusively in the languages of Africa, but they occur in only relatively few of the Bantu languages, including Londo A11 (Kuperus 1985), Sawabantu languages of Guthries groups A102030 (Mutaka & Ebobiss 19961997), Fang A75 (Medjo Mv 1997), and Mijikenda E70 (Nurse & Hinnebusch 1993, Kutsch Lojenga 2001) among others. (1987) Depressing Facts About Zulu. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Journal of the International Phonetic Association Rialland & Figure 3.19 shows the production of a dental click. In Bradfield, J. Pretoria: University of South Africa, UNISA Press. & Faytak (2014) reconstructs back vowels *u, *, *o for the Central Ring group of Grassfields Bantu languages. 55: 119148. (2016) Click Loss, Variation and Acquisition in Two South African Ndebele Varieties. (1990) What Do We Symbolize? Polar or mid tones are found in Holoholo D28 and Nyanga D43. Stanford: CSLI Publications. (1991) Articulatory Phonology and Sukuma aspirated nasals. In Downing, L. J. & Source: Images made available by Bryan Gick (cf. , Anecdotally, it seems that clicks in other Bantu languages may also vary in amplitude, depending on the individual speaker, stylistic or sociphonetic variables, and prosodic environment. P. J. (PDF) Modern Democracy and Traditional Bantu Governance: Towards an Proctor, M. , Figure 3.30 Corpus studies of Bantu languages are currently few in number (Prinsloo & de Schryver 2001, Niesler et al. Hyman, L. M. 11(2): 206223. Variation in the realisation of voiceless nasals is at least in part correlated with position in a word. Sitoe, B. A rapid reduction in the number of click contrasts occurred more than 100 years ago in the far-flung varieties of Nguni known as Ngoni N12 (Elmslie 1891, Spiss 1904, Doke 1954); Ngoni speakers subsequently shifted from Nguni to languages of the Manda N10 group (Maho 2003). Kolossa Paper presented at Sound Change in Interacting Human Systems, 3rd Biennial Workshop on Sound Change, May & Equally, voiced segments such as nasals and approximants may contrast in depression (Traill & Jackson 1988, Wright & Shryock 1993, Mathangwane 1998). 2010), and in Tswana S31 only for some speakers (Coetzee & Pretorius 2010). G. 46(2): 255274. Maho, J. F. First Published 1959. eBook Published 22 September 2017. . Moscow: Moscow University. (1976) Question Formation in Some Bantu Languages. Bokamba, E. G. Bennett, W. G. In Rwanda JD61, there is anticipatory coarticulation of tone, with the F0 of a syllable being affected by a High tone in a later syllable (Myers 2003). A vertical white dotted line has been added to facilitate comparison between the two images. In these cases there is a substantial fall in F0 from the onset to the middle of the nasal, and pitch begins to rise before the consonant is released; the pitch peak on the vowel is 40Hz (left panel) or 50Hz (right panel) higher than the lowest pitch in the nasal. (1994) Duration in Moraic Theory. In the Gur language Minyanka, the pharyngeal fricative [] is a variant of // (Dombrowsky-Hahn 1999: 52). & ed. In Figure 3.20 & Note that there are different ways to normalise vowels across speakers; eight different methods are evaluated by Wissing and Pienaar (2014) for a corpus of Southern Sotho S33 vowels, for instance. I am a member of the publication's editorial board and strongly support the publication, Authored by: & Southern Sotho S33 only has a single click type which may vary in place. In The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (ed. ), Proceedings of the 6th World Congress of African Linguistics, Cologne, 1721 August 2009, 219224. (1990) Depression Without Depressors. Manuel, S. Y. Liljencrants, J. (2003) Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60 and E74). D. The two vocoid approximants /j/ and /w/ occur in many languages, often alternating with high vowels /i u/. Lukusa, S. T. M. shows very clearly that independent tongue root adjustment does not contribute to the distinctions between any members of the front vowel set /i e /, nor the back vowel set /u o /. , Figure 3.29 9(1): 3034. This pattern may form the basis for the frequent shifting of a High tone to a later syllable. ), Handbook of Speech Production, 477504. London: SOAS. (ed. Other major languages of the group, each with 10 million speakers or more, . shows a typical example of /o/ in the word /ko/ to go; /o/ has a low F2 (below 1000 Hz). Krakow Definition "Bantu" means "people" in many Bantu languages. Rialland This coding system has become the standard for identifying Bantu languages; it was the only practical way to distinguish many ambiguously named languages before the introduction of ISO 639-3 coding, and it continues to be widely used. Hardcastle, W. J. 17: 331. Click consonants do not occur Herero R31, Umbundu R11, Totela K41 or Lozi K21, nor are they found in languages of the Wambo R20 cluster, such as Kwanyama R21, Mbalanhu R214 and Ndonga R22. (1999b) Tone Association and F0 Timing in Chichewa. x (1999) Phnomnes de contact entre les langues minyanka et bambara (Sud du Mali). . Glasgow: University of Glasgow, retrieved from. This pattern of co-occurrences is not one which suggests a phonological role for ATR. Lindblom 2003). (2015) High Vowel Fricativization as an Areal Feature of the Northern Cameroon Grassfields. (2008) Phonetics of Intonation in South African Bantu Languages. Paper presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Austin Texas, 58 January 2017. An unusual VOT contrast between partially voiced plosives and fully voiced stops, possibly implosives, has been described in Bekwel A85b (Cheucle 2014: 287) and the Kanincin variety of Ruwund L53 (Demolin 2015: 495). 36: 721734. | Contact us | Help & FAQs Guthrie, M. Ashby, S. Schadeberg (2011) Interaction of Variables in the Civili Vowel Duration. , Volume 1: The Comparative Linguistics of the Bantu Languages. ), Turbulent Sounds: An Interdisciplinary Guide, 245279. 17: 3965. The three front vowels and the three back vowels can therefore be distinguished one from another solely by height. In Ondo Patin, C. back closure is released, and this release may be separately audible. Journal of Phonetics | How to buy (PDF) Bantu Lexical Reconstruction - ResearchGate van Schaik. In (1990) Studies in Shona Phonetics: An Analytical Review. Our recommended IPA transcription and corresponding Zulu S42 orthographic symbols is given in (eds. Mbochi C25, which does not have downdrift, still has final lowering due to a L% boundary tone (Rialland & Aborobongui 2016). 46(2): 219228. Source: Recording made available by Daniel Duke and Marieke Martin. , and attributable to the fact that F1 and F2 frequencies co-vary in these vowels. In Mbukushu K333, the one series of clicks is reported to be pronounced either as dental, palatal or [post-]alveolar sounds (Fisch 1998). . In (eds. Pitch effects of depressor nasals in the Giryama E72a words /nhane/ eight (left panel) and ideophone /nho/ (right panel). (PDF) Review of 'The Bantu Languages, second edition' Moore-Cantwell Among phoneticians, the Bantu languages have a reputation as not having many interesting features, with the exception of the clicks introduced in some languages of the southern area. & Van de Velde, M. & Another language with a vowel length contrast, Vili H12, lengthens vowels before liquids (in the environment /C_L/) and before nasals /C_N/ (Roux & Ndinga-Koumba-Binza 2011), but not before NC (Ndinga-Koumba-Binza 2011). Oxford; Cambridge: Blackwell. Most strikingly, the high vowels /i u/ are placed lower than the mid vowels /e o/. ), EUROSPEECH 2001 Scandinavia, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2nd INTERSPEECH Event, September 37, 2001, Aalborg Congress and Culture Centre, Aalborg-Denmark: Proceedings, 651654. Bantu - Pietermaritzburg: Shuter & Shooter. , 8: 159198. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. , Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 71(1): 5081. London: Gregg. The click in the second syllable has a dorsal release that is closer in time to the release of the anterior click closure. T. J. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Gouskova 48(4): 839862. 19(2): 113135. Myers, S. In several areas earlier voiceless prenasalised stops have developed into voiceless nasals or related types of segments, including in Sukuma F21 (Maddieson 1991), Pokomo E71, Bondei G24 (Huffman & Hinnebusch 1998), Kalanga S16 (Mathangwane 1998) and Rwanda JD61 (Demolin & Delvaux 2001). Both surveys reveal a great deal of variety across Bantu languages. 2(4): 685729. L. M. Monaka This illustrates one instance where the occurrence of cross-linguistically less common phonetic segments may be disguised by notational practices. 31: 179198. Many Bantu languages have relatively simple segmental inventories. Figure 3.13 (1982) Nasalization in Umbundu. Kapule David (ed. , Paris: Socit des Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France avec le concours du Groupe dEtudes et de Recherches en Linguistique Applique, Universit Nationale du Rwanda. Expansion of the closed cavity causes the pressure in the air inside the space to be reduced well below that of the air outside the mouth. 23(4): 459474. There are four click accompaniments in Fwe K402: voiceless unaspirated, voiced oral, voiced nasal and voiceless nasal, but the language has no contrast for click type or place (Gunnink forthcoming). E. D. Coupez . Sands Language Sciences Ms. Jos: Rycroft, D. K. Gunnink, H. Hubbard, K. 2003). In (PDF) Review of 'The Bantu Languages, second edition' Philology, Classical Edition Review of 'The Bantu Languages, second edition' Authors: Jenneke van der Wal Discover the world's. For instance, a contrast between HL and LH contours is restricted to long vowels in Rwanda JD61 (Myers 2003). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Maddieson, I. The peak negative pressures reached in clicks are typically -100 hPa or more and may reach over -200, as shown in Figure 3.28. For instance, there are languages with and without downdrift, though the former are more common (Downing & Rialland 2016b). C. Laine UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics Barbosa In Lovestrand, J. 133(2): 10431054. In The tongue surface appears as a curved white line. (2001) Voiceless Tone Depressors in Nambya and Botswana Kalanga. (eds. I refer students to this publication for new research articles or for my work, Acquisition of this publication will benefit department, faculty and student needs, I am a member of the publication's editorial board and strongly support the publication. ), Proceedings of the 8th International Seminar on Speech Production, 137140. Ian Maddieson Thomas, K. S. (forthcoming) Studying Clicks Using Real-Time MRI. S. Research the following groups: Bantu, French Canadians (Quebecois), and Basques. I. (eds. The F1 averages of // and // in Mbam languages is typically higher than that of /e/ and /o/. Ladefoged, P. The small arrows on the waveform show a distinct anterior and dorsal burst on the first click. Final High or rising intonations are found in Ganda JE15, Chewa N31b and Saghala E74b, while final High-Low or High-falling intonations are found in Jita JE25. Vove B305 vowel formant means according to measurements by the first author on a recording made by Jean-Marie Hombert, made available by Lolke Van der Veen. , Nasal vowels are not particularly common in the Bantu languages, but are found in certain mostly western areas, for example in Ngungwel B72a of the Teke group (Paulian 1994), in Umbundu R11 (Schadeberg 1982), in Gyele A801 (Renaud 1976) and in a few words in the Bitam variety of Fang A75 (Medjo Mv 1997). , The maxima in (2016) Stem-Initial Accent and C-Emphasis Prosody in North-Western Bantu. L. M. Wentzel Jouannet, F. Finlayson, R. /, //) (Fulop et al. (1996) Dictionrio Changana-Portugus. , Hubbard, K. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America There are many dialects of Swahili (Wald et al., 2018, Walsh, 2017. Nyamwezi F22 vowel formant means according to measurements by the first author. For instance, the final High in yes-no questions in Zamba is preceded by a sharp fall (Bokamba 1976: 19). Demolin Figure 3.8 R. and Doke, C. M. ), Namibian Languages. K. C. ), Proceedings of Laboratory Phonology 9, 643656. 33(3): 273290. Bokamba, E. G. Peak negative pressure in the three click types of Zulu S42 means for voiceless clicks in three vowel environments spoken by three speakers. A monumental four-volume classification of Bantu languages, Comparative Bantu (196771), which was written by Malcolm Guthrie, has become the standard reference book used by most scholarsincluding those who disagree with Guthries proposed classification, which sets up a basic western and eastern division in Bantu languages with a further 13 subdivisions. Figure 3.16 Ultrasound images of Nande JD42 vowels a) ATR /e/ b) RTR /e/, taken along the mid-sagittal plane. (1987) Qhalaxarzi Consonants. & Meynadier (1982) Liquids in Chaga. 2017). Bonn: ISCA-Secretariat. (eds. The book discusses the phonetic and morphological characteristics of these 2 zones and a classification of the groups, clusters and dialects is provided. Hendrikse Cologne: Rdiger Kppe. The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII), Hong Kong, August 1721, 2011, 17261729. ), Intonation in African Tone Languages, 116. The pharyngealised /o/ in The majority of Bantu languages with some notable exceptions, particularly in the North-West have simple-looking systems of five or seven vowels in which the expected relationships between the features of vowel height, backness and rounding hold. Tswa S51 may be one such case, as the last attestation was by Persson (1932). This is usually discussed as a contrast between advanced and retracted (or neutral) tongue root position, i.e., ATR. The front closure for dental clicks is formed earlier and held longer (about 105 ms) than that for post-alveolar or lateral clicks (about 80 ms). Bresch It is noteworthy that none of the Bantu languages of East Africa appear to have acquired clicks from the surviving or former languages of this area with clicks (Maddieson et al. Broken vertical lines indicate the five points in time corresponding to the rtMRI images shown in the bottom row. A variety of tonal systems are found in Bantu languages; tone may carry a lexical or grammatical function.