Based on their own knowledge, the committee decided to emphasise the legal protections for whistleblowers. Depending on how well local authorities already work with other organisations, they may need to do more to develop good ongoing relationships about safeguarding with care homes and to promote multi-agency working. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work and used it to inform recommendations on: ensuring that no one is in immediate danger, thinking about who needs to be informed or consulted. Practical Implications Of Safeguarding Eyfs Recipes Fire safety: three-hour course to help practitioners be aware of the causes of fire and what to do in the event of fire. The committee emphasised what care homes find most important when they make a safeguarding referral to a local authority, and at the beginning of a section 42 enquiry. MA Education is part of the Mark Allen Group. Local authorities also use guidance on section 42 enquiries from the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services and the Local Government Association. The recommendations may also help to reduce the number of section 42 enquiries involving the care home, local authority and others. It looks at skin damage caused by the sun, precautions and policy considerations. Funded entitlement offers - what is changing? There is variation in how much care home managers do to encourage other staff to learn more about safeguarding. The committee also reviewed existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance, and legislation and care law about whistleblowing. hbbd```b`` As a result, they felt that it was important to make specific recommendations on this, to ensure that this learning is more widely promoted. : a seminar on the topic of safeguarding children.BRITISH DYSLEXIA ASSOCIATION. Given the limited evidence about the use of Safeguarding Adults Reviews, the committee made a research recommendation to identify how the findings from these reviews affect practice in care homes. To ensure staff understand how to gather and record information correctly, care homes and care home providers may need to provide extra training. Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements - Bolton Start Well The NDCS is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting deaf children and their families in overcoming the challenges of childhood deafness. Speech, language and literacy development for children with Down syndrome (2 to 11 years): focuses on the specific speech and language needs of children with Down syndrome and how to meet them, including the use of the See and Learn Language and Reading programme. Visit the Bolton Safeguarding ChildrenPartnershipwebsite, Families (including Start Well Childrens Centres), Mandatory and essential training - Learning and Development Team, Funding agreement and operational guidance, Provider Portal for the Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlement, Updates on Funded Early Years and Childcare Entitlements, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). On successful completion, candidates will receive a certificate valid for three years. Some care home providers already fund access to employee assistance programmes, so would not significantly need to change practice. This was also reflected in the qualitative evidence, which indicated that practitioners recognised the value of safeguarding training. The committee did not believe that holding return-to-work meetings would be a substantial change in practice. Existing relationships between care homes and local authorities may vary. The committee therefore also used the Making Safeguarding Personal framework and the Care Act 2014. In many care homes, managers already do all of this. The recommendations do not require specific additional resources, but the chairs of meetings may need to take greater care in their documentation and communication. This should in turn improve the safety, health and wellbeing of care home residents. Care homes will need to make sure that specific safeguarding concepts and terminology is clearly understood by all staff, regardless of literacy levels or language skills, and this may require some additional resources. This is because, in their experience, those indicators represented a higher likelihood of abuse and neglect. Courses include: The Trust gives advice on drawing up a co-ordinated and comprehensive burn and scald prevention programme for schools and other child carers, and aims to improve the long-term rehabilitation of child burn victims. The difference between autism and Asperger's syndrome is clarified, looking at case studies. This may have resource implications for care homes, who will be responsible for ensuring that support is available in the short and long term and that it is tailored to each person's needs. The evidence matched the committee's experience of practice. NICE guideline [NG189] All Rights Reserved. NATIONAL DAY NURSERIES ASSOCIATION (NDNA). It will particularly focus on the key areas identified within the Planning Tool manual and aims to help and support existing work with children and young people and to identify and evaluate its aims and goals.ADVANCED CHILDCARE, Afasic seeks to raise awareness and to create better services and provision for children and young people with speech and language impairments. Return to recommendations To plan for successful learning, early years practitioners need to observe children to identify their interests, explore how they learn, and monitor their progress in each area of learning and development. The committee had concerns about the adequacy of the findings, which were based on 'thin' data. Care home staff may also need training to improve their understanding of safeguarding policy and procedure, and to show them how to preserve evidence from reported safeguarding concerns. In addition, there were issues with the relevance of the qualitative data, because some studies may have been conducted outside of care homes, and some findings may not have been specifically related to safeguarding. They should also encourage staff to report safeguarding problems in the future, as it would be clear to them that everyone would receive support regardless of their involvement. The recommendations will help standardise practice, and ensure that managers promote safeguarding training and learning in care homes. The committee had low confidence in the quantitative outcomes, because of concerns about bias (as most studies were not randomised) and imprecision in effect estimates. The evidence also emphasised the value that residents place on support from family, friends or advocates in helping them achieve their desired outcomes. Inclusion is key to effective practice in the EYFS, which places such emphasis on the individual child. Section 3 - The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements April 2017 3 Registered providers must also notify Ofsted or their childminding agency of the action taken in respect of the allegations. Paediatric first-aid: one-day course leading to appointed person status for those working with children. The aim of these recommendations is to help people better understand when a safeguarding referral should be made and when a referral should not be made. Infection control: providing an understanding of effective infection control practice within a setting. The committee also wanted care homes to reflect on and learn from Safeguarding Adults Reviews. They may need to make training programmes applicable to the daily practice and responsibilities of staff and particularly to safeguarding in the care home environment. There may also be minor resource implications associated with improved safeguarding practice. Youre probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in. Paediatric first-aid: certificated course inspected and controlled by the Health and Safety Executive. As a result, the committee drew on their own expertise to supplement the evidence and make recommendations. Comments. As a result of the limitations of the evidence, the committee also used their own expertise, and their knowledge of statutory guidance requirements, to make a recommendation. The Alliance publishes a helpful guide, Observation, Assessment and Planning which is . There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. the adequacy of the data, which was considered to be limited (and did not include any quotations). 26 February 2021. Instead, the committee used existing non-NICE UK health and social care guidance on recognising and reporting abuse and neglect in care homes. ACORN CHILDCARE TRAINING. Some of the included research was not conducted in care home settings, so there were concerns about how relevant it was. PDF SAFEGUARDING POLICY Rationale - Educ8 Luton There were concerns with: the appropriateness of some methods used by the studies, such as recruitment strategies and data analysis processes, the relevance of the data, because some of the research was not conducted in care home settings. The government says the changes will improve outcomes for all children, but particularly the language and literacy outcomes for disadvantaged children and reduce teacher workload. Implementing the recommendations may involve minor changes to existing practice. A conference aiming to consider what the key priorities should be for children and adults on the autism spectrum from the perspective of the individuals themselves, their parents and carers and those who work with them. The guidance highlighted some of the challenges faced by individuals and organisations when there is no clear safeguarding procedure. First-aid - early years: two six-hour days. Subscribing with flick offers access to all flick courses, plus downloadable guides and resources in the flick library. The committee made a recommendation on ensuring that the safeguarding policy is accessible, easy to find and understand because safeguarding is everyone's responsibility, and people with little experience of safeguarding (such as visitors) may need to read it. Finding more information and committee details, Care home safeguarding policy and procedure, Care home whistleblowing policy and procedure, Care home and care home provider roles and responsibilities, Local authorities, clinical commissioning groups, and other commissioners, Multi-agency working and shared learning with other organisations, Indicators of individual abuse and neglect and immediate actions to take if you consider abuse or neglect, Confidentiality, and discussing and reporting suspected abuse and neglect, Working with and supporting the resident at risk during a safeguarding enquiry, Supporting care home staff who are subject to a safeguarding enquiry, How local authorities should support care homes during an enquiry, Indicators of organisational abuse and neglect, How care homes should learn from safeguarding concerns, referrals and enquiries, section 14.225 of the Care and support statutory guidance 2020, Adult Safeguarding: Roles and competencies for Health Care Staff 2018, CQC: Regulation 13 - Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, CQC: Safeguarding Adults - Roles and responsibilities in health and care services, research recommendation to look at the effectiveness, cost effectiveness and acceptability of e-learning safeguarding training, evidence review C for details of the guidance, research recommendation on self-neglect in care homes, research recommendation was needed about the views of care home residents in relation to their experiences of safeguarding enquiries, research recommendation on the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the different approaches to investigating safeguarding concerns, evidence review C for details of this guidance, research recommendation to identify how the findings from these reviews affect practice in care homes. The committee had low confidence in the qualitative evidence about this issue. They may also need to do more to promote more positive attitudes about whistleblowing among staff, and to encourage an open culture to help staff feel more confident raising concerns. The committee made a recommendation on sharing information from Safeguarding Adults Boards with care home staff because they thought it could improve accountability, and help staff understand the responsibilities of other practitioners and organisations in relation to safeguarding. Getting the views of residents will ensure that their needs are understood and that subsequent care can be person-centred and outcomes-focused. The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile is a statutory review of children's progress in the year they reach five. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. The evidence on training only included short-term measurements of effectiveness. Because of the lack of evidence, and the potential variation in practice across the country, the committee made a research recommendation on the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the different approaches to investigating safeguarding concerns. There were issues with the methods used by some studies, such as their recruitment strategies and data analysis processes. The evidence highlighted the value that care homes place on local authorities as a key source of support and transparent advice. Courses include: Keyhole Training: this 12 hour course (divided into five sessions) is aimed at anyone working with pre-school children with an ASD in an Early Years setting group. Organisations may need to do more to involve people at risk and their independent advocates in safeguarding enquiries. Safeguarding the Welfare of the Child Essay - The committee provided anecdotal evidence of concerns about the efficacy of e-learning, in particular when there is no opportunity for discussion and human interaction. The committee recognised that there should be a clear difference and understanding of the roles of the practitioners and independent advocate involved in safeguarding. Courses include career training, primary care and psychotherapeutic skills. This evidence did not demonstrate any differences in costs or effectiveness between 2 different programmes. There was some limited economic evidence on training. Cotham students will be aware of how to seek support if safeguarding issues arise. 09270577, (which weve covered in a previous blog, and can be found here), < The EYFS - measuring and assessing progress. It is important that this is used routinely to help improve safeguarding practices. Care home staff need to be able to recognise these indicators and act upon them. The evidence suggested that some people felt excluded from important safeguarding meetings. There was a good amount of qualitative evidence on the barriers and facilitators to identifying abuse and neglect in care homes. This is because, in their experience, those indicators represented a higher likelihood of organisational abuse and neglect. The committee felt that some indicators are more serious or urgent than others. (ANSWERED THE QUESTION TOGETHER) The safeguarding and welfare requirements are put in place to make sure that childcare professionals/ providers promote the welfare of children and to keep them well and protected. The committee supported this evidence with their own expertise. Quantitative and qualitative data were available on training in the care sector, but the committee's confidence in this evidence was low. The recommendation covering staff apprehensions about external oversight was made because the committee are aware that staff can feel criticised and undermined by people delivering training (especially people from external agencies). One of the toughest tasks an early years practitioner can ever face is supporting a grieving child. First-aid course: two-day, in-depth course covering all aspects of first-aid, including dealing with anaphylactic shock. It aims to enhance participants knowledge about Autism and of intervention strategies that are effective in assisting young children to communicate and interact with others. The recommendations should lead to greater consistency. To reflect this, the indicators are split into 2 categories ('consider' and 'suspect'), with different actions based on the likelihood of abuse or neglect. There could be cost implications for care home providers that do not have employee assistance programmes, unless alternative programmes or funding are available for staff already. dY The guidance highlighted the importance of writing down carefully what the person discloses using their own words, but not interviewing them, and encouraging the resident to preserve any physical evidence if a crime may have been committed. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations. Training programmes may also need to be adapted so that staff have protected time to ensure they fully understand the actions they need to take if they ever have a safeguarding concern. INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. Managers may need to dedicate time specifically to collating data and sharing findings with staff. Recent courses include safeguarding, food safety and baby massage.FORBES TRAINING, FOUNDATION FOR THE STUDY OF INFANT DEATHS, The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths promotes information on how to reduce the risk of cot death and supports bereaved families. This is in addition to the formal and mandatory role of a safeguarding lead. It has produced policies on the early years, professional development, partnership with parents, curriculum access and learning support assistants, among others. Psychological abuse affects the safety, health and wellbeing of other residents, staff and visitors. The evidence highlighted the challenges associated with partnership working, and the difficulties in communicating with care homes. Staff are encouraged to watch out for changes in the mood and behaviour of residents, because many indicators of abuse and neglect are quite subtle physical or emotional changes or traits. the adequacy of the data, because some of the included studies provided limited data. Local authorities will need to identify a single point of contact for care homes, which in some cases will be a change in practice. fv kxhisq!ujyqHTNO @*R^uS However, the committee agreed that the culture of a particular care home (and the role played by managers in shaping this) is a key factor in enabling and encouraging care home staff to report safeguarding concerns. This may have cost implications, but access to support is a statutory right under the Care Act 2014 and is part of the Making Safeguarding Personal framework.